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Dog Day Care - Packages Available!


Happy Dogs, Happy Days: The Ultimate Dog Day Care When You're Away!

Our Dog Day Care provides a safe and fun environment for dogs to socialize, play, and receive individualized attention from our trained staff. Flexible scheduling options are available to fit your needs. 

We offer indoor play areas, along with plenty of toys, unlimited treato and activities to keep your dog entertained and engaged throughout the day. We also provide regular walks to give your dog the exercise they need and to explore the great outdoors. Our staff will ensure that your dog is on a leash and under close supervision during their walk to ensure their safety.

Book your dog's ultimate play day today and let us take care of them while you're away!

For any new customers, please book for the one-hour assessment first before booking for the packages!

Furmily is fully licensed number: 1022/23 Newham

Please see picture for the day care price list.

If you need to cancel, let us know 24 hours in advance for refund.

Meet our stars

Bo and Penelope - Dachshunds
Brother and sister. Bo is very playful while Penelope is very calm. Bo likes to run while Penelope prefers a quiet stroll.a

Barney - Cockerpoo
Very lovable and affectionate! Loves to roll around in the grass! Very friendly towards humans.

Bailey - Springer Spaniel
Very energetic! Loves to play with toys. Knows the command “Heel”.